Sunday, August 24, 2014

Moving on... on behalf of Tina Downey

On behalf of the Downey family, we want to let Tina's friends and followers know that she went to be with the Lord Saturday night, August 23rd.  As many of you know, Tina struggled each day with pulmonary hypertension and had been in and out of the hospital all year.  She was admitted Tuesday and appeared to be getting better.  Saturday evening she took a turn for the worse and doctors discovered she had sepsis. She fought valiantly but when they attempted dialysis, her body gave out.

We know how much you all meant to her and filled her life with joy every day.  We truly appreciate the special way each one of you brought significance and meaning to her life.  No arrangements have been made at this time.  We will provide updates as details are made known.


Friends and Family of the Downeys


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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We are so sorry to hear this! We loved and adored Tina - she was friend and sister to many of us. Prayers with you.

Anonymous said...

Say it isnt so. Please.

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh. So sorry for your loss. She always kept so strong, so positive.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Dear Tina's family .. I am so so sorry to read this - my thoughts for you all -

We were all desperately fond of her and her joie de vivre ... she's inspired many of us ... this is a huge loss to the world ...

.. let alone you all - with prayers and blessings to you as you adjust ... Hilary

Carol Kilgore said...

Bye, Tina. I'll miss you.

Morgan said...

Oh, I'm in TEARS. This is so unexpected. Tina has been fighting for so long and... I thought she was going to pull out of this. I'm absolutely heartbroken. Tina's family, we loved her so much and it was a privilege to know her and share this space with her. Please keep us updated. <3

Annalisa Crawford said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Tina was a huge presence in the blogging community. Such sad news.

Al Diaz said...

I am so very sorry. She was an amazing, inspiring and sweet person. I consider myself lucky because I met her. My prayers to her family and beloved ones.

Melissa said...

I am so sad. I haven't known Tina very long, but she was a kind, funny, talented person, and I will miss her.

To Tina's friends and family, know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Oh God! Yes, Tina was a huge influence in our blogging community. Prayers with her family and friends. We will miss her tremendously.

cleemckenzie said...

I'd only gotten to know Tina last year, but she was a good heart and a person I enjoyed exchanging ideas with. I will miss her "take charge" attitude and her delightful sense of humor.

My thoughts are with her family at this time of such deep loss.

Brian Miller said...

oh dang...i am so sorry
i have known tina online for years...we even wrote a story together a few years ago...

i am sorry for your loss...and ours....

Carrie Butler said...

I am so sorry to hear this! I'll be praying for your family.

AJ Lauer said...

We love you and will miss you, Tina!

All my best to the family during this sad time.

DL Hammons said... Tina's world...was Good! She will be dearly missed.

Jo said...

What distressing news for both her family and her blogging family for whom she was a wonderful friend and inspiration. My deepest sympathies to her family she will be very much missed.

klahanie said...

"Life is Good." Tina touched the hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of knowing her.

I have been blessed with many a positive interaction with the beloved Tina.

Her spirit lives on as we shall be inspired by our dear friend, Tina.

Dear Tina will be sadly missed. Always loved, never forgotten.

My sincerest condolences to her family.

Gary, Penny and Tristan.

Heather M. Gardner said...

She was beautiful and inspiring. I'm so very sorry. She will remain in our thoughts.

Elise Fallson said...

I am so saddened to hear this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

JoJo said...

Absolutely completely and utterly devastated. So unfair. My heart breaks for her family and friends. I will miss her forever.

Marcia said...

So very sorry for your loss. My condolences to your entire family.

Pickleope said...

Though I was never able to meet her in person, I followed her journey for some time now and felt like I knew her at least a little.
My deepest sorrow and condolences go out to Tina's family. May you all take comfort in the memories and happiness she gave to you and to others. She will be missed.

Susan Stuckey said...

My deepest sympathy for your loss of this extraordinary person. Thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

It is a sad day for bloggers who followed her and took comfort in her positive approach to life. Prayers are with her family and friends in this difficult time.

H. R. Sinclair said...

My prayers are with you, her family, and friends.

Guilie Castillo said...

Tina will be greatly missed. She was an inspiration and a source of a unique perspective that the world much needs. I'm glad she's at peace now, and I'm grateful I got to know her. I'll be coming by to revisit favorite posts (and discover new ones) often. I wish you, her family and her close friends, much strength in this time of loss. May she live on forever in all our hearts.

Stephen Kozeniewski said...

Very sorry to hear about your loss!

Connie Keller said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Tina's death. But thankful to hear she is at rest with the Lord.

I pray that her family finds comfort as they deal with this great loss.

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. The blogging community has lost a wonderful ray of sunshine.

Corinne O said...

So very sorry to hear of Tina's passing. Sending love to all her family and friends during this sad time.

Chrys Fey said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Tina's passing. She will be missed. My prayers are with her family and friends.

Leandra Wallace said...

I am so very sorry to hear this. My deepest condolences to Tina's family and friends.

ELAdams said...

So sorry to hear of Tina's passing. My condolences to her family and friends.

Indywrites said...

It is such a sad news, hope she is in a better place now, She will be missed.

Andrew Leon said...

As with so many things in life, words, even for a writer, cannot express the pain or the loss or the emotion. I have no words.

Unknown said...

My heart is heavy with sadness. We will miss her.

M Pax said...

I'm sad to read this. Tina is such a lovely person. My love and sympathies to you.

PK HREZO said...

Gosh, I'm so so sorry to hear this. Tina was extra special. I will miss her Life is Good message so much.
My prayers are with you.
RIP Tina.

Jeff Hargett said...

Thank you for letting us know.

Less than 13 months ago Tina wrote words of comfort on my blog after I lost my wife. May you all find a measure of comfort in the thousands that will be written here over the coming days. I pray God's grace and peace will see you through this difficult time.

Michelle Wallace said...

The loss of a wonderful person...
This is a sad day for the blogging community.
My condolences go out to the family and friends.

Nick Wilford said...

So sorry to hear this news. As a blogger Tina was full of boundless energy and this is such a shock. My thoughts are with you, her family, at this difficult time.

Arlee Bird said...

This is devastating news. Tina had become such a powerful presence in my life even though I never knew her beyond the world of blogging.

My prayers and condolences go out to her family. This is a sad Sunday for me and I know for many others in the blogging world and everywhere else that Tina's spirit of giving and sense of fun had an influence.

Thank you Tina for everything you did for us and every smile you gave us.


Unknown said...

While I did not know Tina, it seems her life was a living testament of the title of her blog, what a legacy!!! Blessings and prayers to the family.

Michelle 4 Laughs said...

So sorry for your loss.

Vikas Khair said...

Very sorry to hear about Tina. Hope she Rest in Peace.

Miranda Hardy said...

Tina will surely be missed. My sympathies to her family and friends.

Julie Dao said...

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I never got the chance to know Tina well in our blogging community, but I know she was very loved and respected, and that she will be deeply missed.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I am sending thoughts and prayers your way. Please take care....

S.A. Larsenッ said...

So very sorry for your loss... <3

Erin L. Funk said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't have the chance to get to know Tina, but I've heard wonderful things about her. I hope you find some comfort during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of this :-( May she rest in peace and may God grant you the peace you need to keep going. Prayers for you <3

M.J. Fifield said...

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Tina was my sister online, and I still can't believe she won't respond to my next message or call.

She was a soul full of light, a true fighter, a smiler and teller of jokes even when connected to tubes and machines that helped her breathe, so excited to know more about Singapore, from where I sent her random snapshots.

She loved all of us bloggers who were fortunate enough to be her friends, she spoke with love of her real life friends, her sister-in-law, and she absolutely adored her husband and boys. She spoke of them with so much pride, humour and love.

I can still hear her husky voice from a few weeks ago telling me how beautiful the weather was, and of the gorgeous view of the balcony from which she spoke, how good it was to be at her friend's place, and how her home was being remodelled for her return--- even though speaking made her breath go shallow and I told her so many times to just keep the phone.

I wish we could have talked more, and maybe on some level, we still can. She rested her faith in God, and spoke of the strength it gave her. May her family and friends be given strength now to bear this loss.

If I know Tina, she's watching us from above, all teary-eyed and smiling, cracking a joke at the bitter sweetness of it all, prodding us to get on with it and not be such cry-babies.

I doubt my tears would stop soon, though.

Rest well SIS Tina, you were an inspiration to us all. I love you.

ViolaFury said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of Tina. It is why we do live each day fully and wring every bit of life out if it that we can. My thoughts and prayers to the Downey family at this time. ~~ Mary

Brandon Ax said...

That is extremely sad to hear. I hope all the best for her family and friends. May her memory give smiles for years to come.

Suzanne said...

So sorry for your loss xx

Loni Townsend said...

My condolences to the family. Very sad to hear. Though I only knew her online, she was a blessing to all she reached.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

My condolences to the family.

Kelly Hashway said...

This is truly sad to hear. My prayers and thoughts are with Tina's family.

Mark Koopmans said...

At the end of a book, many writers finish with "The End."

And, while Tina's last earthly chapter has finished, her memory will never be forgotten by so many of here in the blogging community.

Thank you, Downey family, for sharing Tina with us and for making me smile *every* time I saw a new email from her.

God bless you and rest in peace, Tina.


Stephen Tremp said...

Tina added so much to other people's lives. She will be missed but also we will celebrate her life and the people she touched. Godspeed Tina.

Christine Rains said...

My heart goes out to you all. Tina will be missed greatly.

Joanne said...

she certainly sent out a lot of energy and the power of life is good through her blog. Take comfort in her spirit and in how many she touched. So sorry for your loss.

Yolanda Renée said...

Prayers for you and your family! Thank you Tina, for sharing yourself with us!

Pam Beers. said...

My heart goes out to all of you as you mourn the loss of Tina. Take time to grieve. Hugs to all of you.

Nicole Pyles said...

I'm so so sorry for your loss. The blogging world has definitely lost one of the good ones. Tina's family and friends will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm utterly speechless and haven't been able to completely wrap my brain around the news. I've only known Tina online since I started blogging nearly two years ago. She was always a positive voice in my corner, especially when I started my second blog and opened up about my feelings and life issues post brain hemorrhage.

I always smiled whenever I saw a comment from her because I knew it would be positive and make my day.

To the Downey family, I am so very sorry for your loss. Tina was, and still is adored by so, so many of us in the blogging community. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. God Bless You. Eva

D.G. Hudson said...

I'm sorry to hear about Tina's passing. She was such a vibrant part of the blogging community and her humor came across even when she wasn't feeling well.

My thoughts are with you as you deal with this loss.

loverofwords said...

Tina had so many friends which is a tribute to her and her reaching out to others through her blog. We loved her posts about her family, her Swedish heritage and the year she tried to teach us all Swedish. Words cannot describe the loss of a young person, a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend. My condolences to her family.

Dannie Morin said...

Life is good, which makes the loss of it that much harder. My thoughts are with you all.

Unknown said...

My deepest sympathy to the friends and family. Tina was a special person in so many peoples lives.

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Tina. I'll be thinking about her family and friends during this terrible time. She'll be missed by many.

Unknown said...

So sorry- my prayers are with all of you said...

I'm so deeply sorry to learn that we've lost a member of our blog family, and that you lost your precious Tina so suddenly.

I regret that I didn't get to know Tina better. We'd connected briefly regarding our respective battles with depression. She was incredibly sweet and hopeful.

Less than two weeks ago, she apologized for not responding more quickly to my facebook friend request. I hadn't even noticed. Her unnecessary apology was incredibly thoughtful. Though I hardly knew Tina, my sense is that she minimized her struggles so as not to - in her mind - be a burden or downer. She was remarkably selfless.

May beautiful memories lift you, Tina's loved ones, through the days, months, and years ahead. She was truly special.

My love and prayers go out to you.

Hart Johnson said...

To The Engineer and your sons--

I am so very sorry to hear this news. Tina was amazing and will be missing in the blog-o-sphere. I can only imagine how much greater the impact in real life. I'm very very sorry for your loss.

Trisha said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Tina. :( May she rest in peace.

Romance Reader said...

Dear Tina's family, I am so so sorry to read this - my thoughts for you all at this sad time.

SK Anthony said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Tina's family, I'm so sorry for your loss. Tina will be missed :(

farawayeyes said...

My prayers go out to your entire family at this time of loss.

Tina's blog 'Life is Good' pretty much says it all. Life is good and then great people like Tina, go on to something even better.

I hope you will find some comfort at this time of terrible sorrow, in the fact that she brought so much joy to so many.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I am so sad, no words express how good of a person Tina is and was. I send out my prayers to her and her wonderful family. She was more like a sister, than a friend... I am very privileged in knowing her, she will be very missed.


Tami Von Zalez said...

I never knew Tina but I send my condolences across the blogosphere to her, may she rest in peace, and her family.

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time....I only knew her through the blogosphere but even that tiny sliver of recognition made an impact on me...know she was loved far & wide and that her words were a blessing to so many of us...

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Tina.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. (((hugs))

Dee @ A Deecoded Life said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences. Rest in peace, Tina.

Anonymous said...

On behalf on the Designs Boutique staff we want to express our deepest condolences to the Downey family, especially Neal, Jake, and Luke. We also want to thank Tina for taking her time to very graciously helping us set up our own blog. She was a kind person who would do anything she could to help those in need, RIP.

Mina Lobo said...

Thank you for your friendship, Tina. My prayers are with you and your loved ones.

KellieS said...

Saying goodbye to a loved one is a sad time, but we also have the awesome opportunity to celebrate the life and gifts of one we have had the honor of knowing. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time. Write on in your new chapter, Tina!

Rachel said...

Tina was a wonderful friend. I can't express how much I'm going to miss her. I'm going to write a blog post in her honor, to tell everyone what an amazing person she was.

Please know that you have the support of her entire blogging community. We all loved her and in turn, we support and care for her family. Prayers are being sent your way.

Nicole said...

It's been such a pleasure to know Tina over the years through blogging and one-on-one correspondence. She touched so many lives with her courageous writing and bright spirit. I will miss her dearly and she will be remembered.

My thoughts and well wishes go out to the Downey family.

Oh dear are in my heart. May you rest in peace.

Hugs and kisses,
Nicole Ayers

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Oh, Tina, the world was a brighter, better place for you being in it. Now, your spirit soars with the stars. My world has become dimmer. My prayers to your family. Roland

Ink in the Book said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm praying God will strengthen you and send comfort as only He can.

Kristin Smith said...

Oh, wow. This is such sad news. My heart goes out to Tina's friends and family. Please know that many people are thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult time. Tina will be missed.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Her very first email to me was one of warmth, encouragement, and generosity. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. She was a truly special person and the world is a little darker without her presence.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry to hear of your loss. God Bless you all.

Tanya Miranda said...

My condolences to Tina's family. So sorry for your loss.

Kim Van Sickler said...

Look at this awesome outpouring of support! Tina touched so many. Truly her life was good! My prayers go to her family during this difficult time. What incredible memories you retain of a remarkable woman!

Vidya Sury said...

I am deeply saddened to hear this. I had the privilege of interacting with Tina for over a year now...and love her.

I lost my Mom the same way....and I know how devastating it is.

Dear Tina's family, please know I hold you in my heart and prayers. Peace be with you.


Vidya Sury

Tara Tyler said...

I am so sad to hear this. She was a sweet person. I am very sorry for your loss. Praying for your comfort, especially knowing she is no longer in pain.

thank you for letting us know.

Unknown said...

I'm very sad to hear this. My prayers are with you. I will check back to hear the follow up. God bless, Maria

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh, Tina...the world was so much brighter with you in it...your spirit will live on in the hearts of those whose lives you've touched...farväl min vän

Last Song for Tina

My love & prayers are with your family

Shah Wharton said...

Always so sad to lose a good person. Rest with peace Tina. And God bless your family. X

Shah Wharton said...

Always so sad to lose a good person. Rest with peace Tina. And God bless your family. X

Anonymous said...

I've been an erratic A-Zer but whenever I read Tina's posts her joie-de-vivre always came through and not an inkling of the medical condition she was suffering from. She will now remain in my heart as an inspiration.

My sincere condolences and prayers to Tina's family. RIP, dear Tina.

brudberg said...

Some days you receive news of loss.. This made me more sad - since I only got in touch with Tina briefly early this spring.. But we shared that Swedish connection, and I loved to read her stories, as well as receiving comments on my blog

My sincere condolences from Stockholm Swededen

F. Stone said...

Another angel wings her way to heaven. Blessings to her family.

Anonymous said...

We were blessed to borrow you for a while Tina, but you're in a better place now.
You'll be missed among us, but your name will live on in our earthly community. RIP friend. x

Anonymous said...

I was in tears as I read this news on Damyanti's blog. I "met" Tina through A to Z 2013 and we have had some email exchange from the time she let me guest blog on A to Z. We had much in common.
Tina was right, Life is Good. I'll keep you, her family, in my prayers.

Kate Larkindale said...

So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with her family and others near and dear.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I didn't personally know Tina, but was familiar enough with her name as a host of the popular A-Z April blogging challenge. My condolences to her family and friends at this difficult time.

Rob Z Tobor said...

very sad, I have followed here blog for a while condolences to the family.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Tina was an inspiration to many.

Anonymous said...

May I add my condolences. That one person can be so missed by so many is testament indeed. RIP, Tina.

Susan Scott said...

The world was a better place for her ... it is the saddest news - may her family find peace too in knowing that she is with the Lord.
I give thanks for knowing her through the 2014 April A-Z blogosphere ...

Unknown said...

Terrible news. May she be pain free. Sympathies to the family

Jemima Pett said...

A light has gone out of the world, but a new star is in the heavens.

Thank you for being here, and all you have done for us. We will miss you.

Gossip_Grl said...

To Tina's Family
I am very sorry to hear this news. I didn't know her personally but she one of the first people who followed my blog several years ago. She was also a constant supporter to many of the blogs that I follow. Her postings often uplifting and funny. She will be greatly missed by many.

Cathrina Constantine said...

So Sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to Tina and her family and friends!

Mason Canyon said...

I had only known Tina for a short while, but she will truly be missed. So very sorry for your loss. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Bish Denham said...

May you remember her with joy.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

So sorry for your loss! :( I never met Tina, but I loved her blog, and her spirit was shining through everything she wrote. My condolences.

The Guy said...

Sorry to hear such tragic news. RIP Tina.

Sending love and prayers.

Dana said...

I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Nicki Elson said...

Tina was a bright light in this community - and everywhere she went, I'm sure. May the Lord cradle you in His peace while you learn to carry on in this world without her.

Unknown said...

Her messages touched my heart. So saddened by the news. Sending condolences and prayers.

Crystal Collier said...

Tina will be missed. I'd always get a smile on my face when stopping by because her title is so optimistic, despite the challenges she faced. She'll definitely be missed.

VR Barkowski said...

My heart cracks wide at your loss. Words can't even begin to touch your grief, but my sincere condolences.
Tina will be missed.

Joanne Roberts said...

I am so sorry for your pain, but know the Lord will help you through the grief of this temporary separation. I only "met" Tina online a few months ago, but that bond in the Spirit was evident. I look forward to meeting her. My prayers are with you. God bless.

BECKY said...

I just recently met Tina through someone else's blog. I'm so sorry to learn about her illness and death. Knowing just the little bit about her that I knew, she was a wonderful person. Keeping Tina and all of you in my thoughts and heart.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I'm so very sorry to hear this.
What a loss to both the family and to the blogging community that loved Tina. This brought tears to my eyes.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Abs said...

So sad to awake to this news... my thoughts go out to Tina's family and friends, may you find peace as she has done.

Patsy said...

My sympathies to her friends and family.

David P. King said...

I am rendered speechless. I was aware of Tina's condition and thought her condition was improving. This is a hard blow to the community, but I consider myself lucky to have known Tina and have enjoyed her blog. Life is good, and Tina led an exemplary one. My regards to Tina's family.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to Tina's family and friends. Tina was such a strong presence in our blogging community, and her voice and her support will be greatly missed. My prayers go out to all who knew and loved her.

Natalie Aguirre said...

So very sorry for your loss. I know from personal experience how much your heart hurts during this time. I lost my husband who also had serious pulmonary issues in late March.

My hear goes out to you and you are in my thoughts as you go through this very difficult time.

Suzanne Furness said...

So very, very sorry to hear the sad news of Tina's passing. She was a light in the blogging community and will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers to all Tina's family and friends.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this. My sincere condolences to family and friends.

LD Masterson said...

A very sad day, indeed. My heart goes out to her family.

Jenni said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know Tina, but I can tell by the outpouring of support here what a wonderful person she was. My prayers are with her family.

DarcNina said...

My most sincere condolences.

Paula said...

So very sorry for your loss...

Anonymous said...

To the close friends and family of Tina:

This came as a shock to me, I'm new to the life of Tina and if I feel her loss I can only imagine how you all feel. She'll certainly be missed by the writing and blogging community whose lives she touched.

In our hearts and prayers,

Silvia Writes said...

I knew Tina online but felt I knew her in person, that's how great her impact was. Such a wonderful human being, such a great spirit. I will miss hear dearly. My sympathies to her immediate and extended family.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Tina was such an integral force in the blogging community, and she will be greatly missed.


Elizabeth Seckman said...

Shocked and saddened at the loss of a dear woman. Prayers of comfort for her family. I know we fell the loss, I can only imagine how deep their pain.

Laura Clipson said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news, Tina was a beloved blogger in the community and we will all miss her dearly.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Prayers for all of you. Farewell, Tina, and I hope to meet you in spirit some day.

Ellie Garratt said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I did not know Tina as well as a lot of others did, but I know she brought light and goodness to all those she touched in the blogging world. She will be missed. Keeping you all in my prayers.

kjmckendry said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I didn't know Tina that well, but I know that she was a bright spot in the blogging community and she will be greatly missed.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Deepest sympathies. Words are so inadequate. Please know that Tina left an indelible mark. She will be missed.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to her friends and family.

Birgit said...

I did not have the honour of knowing this wonderful person but from all these messages and from all the blogs i follow the outpouring of sadness but also of joy that she brought is profound. I can only be so lucky if i would receive this same honour. I would suggest, when and if you can, to look at the blogs who were her friends and read them as they truly touch the heart. It is something rare and divine

From the desk of... R.E. Hargrave said...

My condolences

TheCyborgMom said...

To Tina's family: I am so sorry for your loss. Tina befriended me just a few months ago...even though I haven't known her long, I can tell you that she has made an impact on me. Her kind and gentle spirit came across in her blog and her messages to me. Tina, sweet lady, rest in peace. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

You poor darling. My heart breaks hearing this sad sad news.

RIP Tina Downey

Anonymous said...

This is sad news, indeed. Tina was the first A to Z Challenge leader I had and she was a real nurturer. Team Tina was a wonderful start to my Challenge experience. My thoughts are with Tina's family and the rest of the blogging community who knew her.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I just started following "Life is Good" with this year's A to Z and I always looked forward to reading Tina's posts. I even found out that we had a mutual friend outside of blogging! I will miss reading her stories, and I want to tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know that she will be greatly missed.

G. B. Miller said...

Same here, I just started following this blog via the A-Z Blogging Challenge and to hear this awful news is mindblowing.

You have my sincerest condolences.


SpacerGuy said...

I wish to extend my condolences to the family, such shattering news really. God bless you, Tina.

Fil said...

So very sorry to hear this news. Rest in Peace Tina - I knew you only a very short time but loved the glimpse of your world. My condolences to all Tina's friends and family.
Fil in Ireland

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read this. My condolences to the family.

Lynda Dietz said...

What a sad, sad day. I hope your hearts are comforted by the knowledge that Tina touched so many, whether she ever met them in person or not.

Tammy Theriault said...

May your family be blessed and know Tina is in a better place. God bless.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Much love and may peace be with the family at this difficult time. The fellow A to Z bloggers who knew her will all miss her.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Tina's family and friends.

Murees Dupè said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you. She will be greatly missed.

Sharon said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Tina's humour and uplifting writing will be missed by so many. I cannot begin to imagine how the family must be feeling.

Heather Musk said...

I didn't know Tina very well, only recently discovering her blog. Nonetheless I felt deeply saddened to hear of her passing.
My condolences to you all, the world is now a sadder place without her xxx

Rachna Chhabria said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers are with you all. God bless.

Laura S. said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace and comfort in your wonderful memories of Tina.

Lisa said...

I just found out this morning. I'm still in shock about her passing. Thank you for letting us know, and my prayers are with you and Tina. I'm glad to know she won't suffer anymore, but will miss her bright spirit and easy manner very much. She brought a sense of lightness to each day. Even though I just "met" her, I will miss her very much...

Jennifer Lane said...

I'm so sad to hear this. Tina was a wonderful member of the writing community. *hugs*

Chippy said...

Sorry to hear this - I'm sorry for your loss

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about this. Wishing you strength in this difficult time. She will be greatly missed.

Mina Burrows said...

Tina was such a wonderful spirit for our writing community. She will be missed.

Bless you all during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

My condolences. I am not sure if we ever communicated (I just joined A to Z this year), but this saddens me still.

Let us be consoled that she now rests. From what I gather from others' post and comments, she was a brave woman who lived her life meaningfully. She is a reminder that life is always worth living, no matter the circumstances.

RIP, Tina.

Unknown said...

I'm truly sorry to hear of Tina's passing. May God's strength and peace help you--her family and close friends--through this difficult time.

EnglishRose said...

We will all miss Tina, especially the A to Z regulars.
My condolances go to Tina's family and friends and also close friends on Blogland.
Rest in Peace Tina , you will never be forgotten.


Jolie du Pre said...

Oh my God! I had no idea. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tina's family.

Mary Hill said...

I am praying for the family. I enjoyed reading Tina's blog and visited at least weekly. This is such sad news.

CA Heaven said...

I was very sorry to read this.
My condolences to Tina's family.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Although, I didn't know Tina well, I'm happy that I met her through the incredible platform of blogging. You just never know when you'll stumble upon someone amazing, like Tina on this super highway. My prayers are with the Downey family & friends. May God's presence fill you peace and assurance in Tina's absences in this life.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

My deepest condolences. I didn't get to visit Tina's blog very often but each time she had something worth reading and sometimes very unique stories I couldn't read elsewhere. I am so sorry she is gone but glad for the time she spent on earth and that she took time out to blog so I could meet her online.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

My deepest condolences. I didn't get to visit Tina's blog very often but each time she had something worth reading and sometimes very unique stories I couldn't read elsewhere. I am so sorry she is gone but glad for the time she spent on earth and that she took time out to blog so I could meet her online.

Carrie-Anne said...

Very sorry to hear of Tina's passing. May her family and friends find comfort in her wonderful memories and legacy.

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for you all in this difficult time.

dolorah said...

Rest in peace Tina.

Amanda Lee said...

Missing Tina terribly.

Lori L. MacLaughlin said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Many prayers and wishes of peace to you.

restlessjo said...

Tina sounds the most amazing lady. I'm so sorry not to have met her, and for her loss. RIP.

Click said...

So sorry to hear of your loss but I am amazed at the outpouring of support on here. She was truly a loved woman.

Thinking of all her friends and family.

Anonymous said...

See you on the other side, Tina. You showed us that life is good. Now enjoy your Afterlife. You will be missed!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I'm sorry to hear about this, beloved family. I am only happy to say that she no longer hurts and has joined the ranks of angels--what a glorious place to be.

*HUGS* My heart and prayers go out to you...


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

So sad to hear the sudden demise of our friend Tina. Our condolences to Engineer and kids and also to the other bereaved family members. She was indeed a lovely friend to me and my family. We had a good rapport with Tina since 2012 and in the year 2013 I was in her team as an Ambassador to A to Z Blog Challenge 2013. Her special guidance and encouraging words are really worth remembering. May her soul rest in peace. In fact I lost a sweet friend from the ocean of blogsphere. Our love and regards and prayer to Engineer and kids.
May God console them.
~ Phil & Family from Secunderabad, India. (Team member of Tina's Terrific Team -A t0 Z Blog Challenge 2013)
May Sep. 8 be a great remembrance day.
~ Phil

Huntress said...

Take care.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt prayers go out to all of you. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. I thank you for sharing Tina with all of us. She will truly be missed. Her optimism was contagious. Hugs to you all.

Unknown said...

I would have liked to have met Tina. I call Tina my friend, even though we never actually met, in person, in the same room. We just wrote and "talked" through comments on our blogs and on blog hops.

Tina was special. We shared our thoughts on all kinds of things, but especially about Sweden and our two languages, Swedish and English.

I can't imagine what this must be like for you, her family. I pray for you and my heart goes out to you. I only just found out now and I am frankly still a little shocked. I did not understand how poorly she had become this last year.

My very best wishes,
(Anna Christina Wigren Nordeman)

jenn said...

i've thought of her several times since hearing of this loss, and it is most assuredly a loss. she was a lovely friend, steadfast and loyal and loving. and so good.

i never met her in person, but she was a most loyal picky (my blog) reader and poster, and we had some very nice email exchanges. she was a very good friend to me. i knew she was sick... i just hadn't realized how sick, i guess. i should've been a better friend to her. i will miss her commentary. i will miss her.

Peaches D. Ledwidge said...

Tina, it's sad that you are no longer here with us. Sleep -- in the arms of an angel.

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