Sunday, October 3, 2010

October, At Last

Bushes burn,
blood red robes
declaring autumn
to the maple,
who answers with
a red of her own,
not fiery, yet
fiercely fine
in deeper hue.
Her leaves flutter
as that cooler breeze
blows the scattering remnants
in a bold ballet, while
the afternoon light
grows more intensely gold
and the shorter days
whisper of winter
still to come

But for now,
the play has begun
and the intricate dance
between autumn's
and winter's pause
beckons me outside
to wander in wonder
at the dazzling display
Creation sings with joy
each colored voice
declaring His Majesty

It's One Shot Wednesday.  Check out some new writers!  These poets are amazing.  

While checking out this week's Magpie, I realized this would fit here as well.  So in the spirit of I've had no time to write, I'm double linking this post.  Magpie has a variety of artists, some poets, some fiction writers, some photographers.  Isn't it fun to meet new people?  If you want to join us, just use the picture above as your prompt, then get creative.


Brian Miller said...

amen. beautiful write...for a beautiful time of fav...a brilliant display before the long sleep...

steveroni said...

So much more do I love spring, than Autumn, the time of stuff dying through all the mountains and woods. Other reasons also--I hated winter passionately, my fingers were frozen for five months every year.

Just brought up wrong, I guess. Beauty, yes. Favorite of mine? No! And i have heard not one voice in alignment with mine on these blogs.

Feel quite alone out here, in this regard. But here in Naples none of that matters anyway

Tina, I apologize for using your comment area for a 'rant'. I should just erase the whole thing.
Steve E

Unknown said...

I've always loved fall as well. Not too hot, not too cold and the allergies that come with the season are less severe than those spring brings with its arrival. You described the season beautifully and poetically. It was a very pleasurable read!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Great poem, for my favorite time of year. The leaves are finally changing here, huzzah!

Cheryl said...

I loved all of this poem except where you use "bold" twice in 3 lines. I got distracted by that. The whole imagery of fall as a dance shines.

clean and crazy said...

so well put, thank you for this very uplifting piece you are truly a gift and a blessing to read.

One Photo said...

Lovely poem Tina - we finally have the cooler weather here but no fall color yet.

shootingstar said...

Lovely !

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

This is one of your very best, Tina! Superb imagery!!

H said...

I would love to be able to write such poetry, full of striking imagery, yet clear in its meanings; not one of those where you get to the end and wonder what on earth the pretty words were going on about! I love this. Brilliant :)

Ben Langhinrichs said...

Very nice poem about autumn. Every season that comes along feels like my favorite, until the next one supplants it. This is perfectly timed for my autumn-crush.

dustus said...

"Creation sings with joy..." and your poem sings with beautiful imagery.

signed...bkm said...

Lovely tribute to October - one of the most beautiful months of the year...blood red robes --very nice image...bkm

Anonymous said...

Autumn brings so much inspiration and you've given her beautiful expression.

Shashidhar Sharma said...

The month of Oct brings on the festivals in India and its one of the best months where its not so cold or hot... just perfect like your verse here.. thanks for sharing...

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

Bubba said...

Any fall poem gets an automatic 'thumbs-up' from me! (But your's was really good too!)

Unknown said...

An autumnal treat for the senses

Reflections said...

Lovely delicacies of autumn...

all in her majesty that she doth robe...

Anonymous said...

lovely post

Deborah said...

Oooh just beautiful!

Tess Kincaid said...

Beautiful. We have one burning bush that my husband wants to cut back every year. But I like it to grow large and wild.

Harvee44 said...

I love the dance!
A Paradise of Spring

Helen said...

Fall means so many things to me ... all of my children were born during Fall, school began again in Fall, weather was usually perfect in Fall, homemade soup and chili once again, our fireplace could be enjoyed, the World Series ... I could go on forever, but you get the idea. I so enjoyed reading (and relishing) your poem.

kathi harris said...

...declaring His Majesty.

I luv that line.

Diane T said...

"blows the scattering remnants
in a bold ballet"

A gorgeous image! And many more!

Kristen Haskell said...

This is truly beautiful!

christine said...

Beautiful word pictures of falling leaves I especially liked ....blows the scattering remnants in a bold ballet,
Quite lovely

Tumblewords: said...

An absolutely beautiful piece, but I do agree with Steveroni - I'm a spring/summer person. Autumn would be better if it weren't immediately followed by bitter winter. :)

Carrie Van Horn said...

Tina this is beautifully the flow and wonderful imagery! :-)

* said...

A gorgeous ode to the fall season, loved the word play with bold and gold, and the spiritual allusions in burning bush and blood red robe.

Anonymous said...

Great poem. Nice write. Nice Mag. Love and Light, Sender