Wednesday, October 27, 2010

F is for Family Secrets

Today F is for Family Secrets. I'm proud to introduce to you a new author. My Best, Cee Hunter, has just published her first book, Family Secrets. It's now available on I loved this tale of a young girl's coming of age set in Central Louisiana. Reading it, you really get a feel for the culture and the family dynamics of this region of our country. It has suspense, rich heritage, and exposes some of the dangers of keeping dark secrets families don't talk about.

This is Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday. Link up if you like.


Brian Miller said...

nice. always looking for a good read...and i like the location..spent some time there when i used to travel...

Stef said...

OH. I will have to check it out!

Ingrid said...

Probably nice to read during holidays !

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Congratulations to your besty!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Congrats to her! And family secrets are always good for a story. Is it on Amazon?

Anonymous said...

This books sound great! I love the cover.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Thanks for sharing this new book! I also like New Orleans, so I will definitely check it out!

Judie said...

One of our daughters lives in NOLA, and I love reading about LA culture, so I will be reading this for sure! Thanks!

Francisca said...

A Fine selection for F day!

Pondside said...

I love a good book recommendation - thanks!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Looks like a good one, I'll add it to my "to read" list!

Susan Anderson said...

Hmmmm. Sounds intriguing!


Amanda Lee said...

I can't wait to read it!

H said...

That looks like an interesting read. The write up on Amazon is intriguing; makes me wonder how she decides what is important and where her loyalties lie.


Well, that sounds like a good read. Good F post...I will have to read it soon.

Unspoken said...

I am always fascinated by Southern culture in the U.S.! Looks like it may be a good read :). Congrats to your Best!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the tip!

Christy said...

So the author is your best friend?? how cool, you can always say you knew her when! Is it something my older girls could read? 19, 18 and 16??

Jenny said...

This looks like a very interesting read. I am always looking for new authors and I shall put this on my 'order' list!

Thanks for linking to Alphabe-Thursday. It sounds like we are all intriqued with this book.

Hope your Halloween is BOOtiful.


Anonymous said...

lovely F post.

Cee Hunter said...

T., thanks so much for introducing my book on your blog. You wrote a great summary - I may have to "borrow" it.
Your Best, Cee