bribery is a very useful parenting tool. C'mon. Admit it.
some towels have a very polished side, and then the other side is a
bit more textured. We're not talking nice-get-for-your-wedding-gift
towels. I mean those that you buy say at a beach resort or have
cartoon pictures on them. Which side do you like? I like the
scratchier side. It dries better.
you've heard YellowBoy stories and quotes. Well, maybe not. Most of
them go on facebook. I love this one. We've just finished a
screaming match (a very rare occasion with this child) and he says,
emphatically, “You're lucky I have such a moderate temper!” Um,
yeah. I am. It's just that this wasn't an example.
are you the kind of person who buys ziplock type bags because of
their great usefulness, or are you the kind who tries to save money
and buys the regular bags and curses them and wishes for ziplocks?
I'm b. Trying to become an a. I now have both. The hard part is
deciding if something is ziplock worthy.
was it just me, or were you
irritated that all the water flooding the Titanic was so damn nice
and clean? Why yes, I've watched it a few
Like 20. It's what I do when I knit: watch movies I've seen
I was in the hospital in February (asthma) for five days, I'd
forgotten my comb and brush in the rush (go immediately!) to get
there. So having watched The Little Mermaid countless times, I used
my fork. Not kidding. Then they brought me a brush. Cheap, silly,
hospital brush. Best brush I've ever had!
you drop a very sharp knife, say a Cutco knife, don't try to catch
it. Just saying...
favorite quote from Bull Durham is, “The world is made for people
who aren't cursed with self-awareness.” Annie Savoy. (Susan
why do they put romaine hearts in ziplock bags and then punch
circular holes in the bag? I also think wasting ziplock technology
on a bag of cotton balls is ridiculous. Who spills cotton balls and
makes an unrecoverable mess like chili on the handmade rug? I guess
I have ziplock on the brain. Or did when I jotted all my ideas over
the last two months to come up with 25 items.
I know that John Hughes movies weren't the height of cinematic
achievement, but I still love them. Breakfast Club was his best in
my opinion.
know what? I don't think I should do 25 items. I'm not as concise
as jenn. I think I'd better stick to Tina's Ten Tidbits. Brevity is
the hardest to achieve for me – remember this?
I think I was bordering on copyright infringement there...
hope you have a great Memorial Day Weekend. If you're one of those
amazing men and women who have or are serving for us THANK YOU.