you make New Year's resolutions? I don't. I hate failing. I don't
like leaving projects undone. So NO. No resolutions for me. I did
start a new tradition though, and this is the fourth time I'm going
for it. Have you heard of “the word for the year”? I found it
through a blog called, “Mama Manifesto”. How I ended up
there...I don't remember. You know how it goes, you use a link, find
another one, jump from blog to blog checking out bloggers who leave
interesting comments, and then all of a sudden you can't see the
shore and you forgot your breadcrumbs...
main idea of the word for the year is that it's a guiding principle
or a an idea to focus on as you consider all aspects of your life. I
wrote about the first word I chose, for 2010, in the post “A Word to Savor for a Year”. I have several examples there of what I really am
trying to say if I'm not making total sense today.
2011 I picked “health”. I had whooping cough, and it was taking
me such a long time to recover. I ended up with severe asthma. I
was on bed rest for many long weeks. I decided that I needed to
focus on health, not just healthy body and diet, but healthy
thoughts. For example, I'm not worthless just because I can't carry
laundry right now. I CAN sit on my bed and fold it. I'm not
worthless because Jake thinks my lesson plans for home school are
boring. I'm actually attempting to home school – something I swore
(which I learned one should not do...) and that's quite brave.
Especially while sick. It's healthy to be brave. Are you catching
on to how the word guides your thoughts and decisions?
to 2012. I picked “health” again, because, well, I was in the
hospital. And to be honest, I hadn't done that great of a job having
a healthy attitude about my limitations in 2011. Call it taking the
class again...
it's time to pick a new word, and I've had a hard time deciding.
It's time to go in a new direction, though. I've been focusing on
myself, how I feel, how I feel about how I feel. I've frankly
been whining and complaining. Wallowing. Whining about wallowing.
Seemingly FOREVER. Time for a focus change. The word prednisone
will no longer appear in any of my posts.
word for 2013 is CONTENTMENT. Wherever I am, whether it's stuck in
bed again, (please dear God, no...) I need to think content. This is
a soft pillow, so cozy. I'm not stuck in carline. No one is
vomiting on me.
gained weight from nasty meds combined with being sedentary. Hmmm...I
guess that's one I'll have to work on some more to be completely
content about, but here's one content thought: lots of people pitched
in and brought us wonderful meals.
all, this is a focus for a year, and it's OK if I don't do this right
all the time. It's not a resolution. It's an idea, not a gym
membership or a vow of 1000 words a day. It's a way of thinking.
It's trying to find the positive in whatever situation I may find
myself in, and I certainly have no idea where I'll find myself in
2013. I mean – wasn't the world supposed to end last week? I'm
content it didn't.